傅雪薇博士,特聘副研究员,入选公司“双百人才工程”计划。2015年在美国阿克伦大学获得聚合物工程硕士学位(导师:Sadhan C. Jana),2019年在美国华盛顿州立大学获得材料科学与工程博士学位(导师:Wei-Hong Zhong),并于2019-2021年在该系从事博士后工作。2021年10月加入澳门新浦新京8455com(中国)有限公司高分子材料加工工程系。
个人从事的研究方向为天然生物高分子的微纳加工、新型生物质基能源和环境材料的跨学科交叉研究和规模化应用。主要研究内容包括导离子型生物高分子材料、生物基多孔界面材料、蛋白质自组装技术,蛋白-蛋白和蛋白-纳米颗粒的界面研究等。迄今以第一或共同通讯作者在著名国际期刊Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Small, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Environmental Science and Technology等发表论文30余篇。
1. C. Ying, X. Fu*, W.H. Zhong and J. Liu*, Decoupled Ion Transport in Protein-Based Solid Electrolyte through Ab Initio Calculations and Experiments, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12 (2021), 39, 9429–9435
2. X. Fu, R. Odstrcil, M. Qiu, J. Liu* and W.H. Zhong*, Natural “Relief” for Lithium Dendrites: Tailoring Protein Configurations for Long-life Lithium Metal Anodes, Energy Storage Materials, 42 (2021), 22-33
3. M. Chen, X. Fu*, Z. Chen, J. Liu and W.H. Zhong*, Protein-engineered Functional Materials for
Bioelectronics, Advanced Functional Materials, (2020) 2006744
4. M. Chen, C. Li, X. Fu*, W. Wei, X. Fan, A. Hattori, Z. Chen, J. Liu and W.H. Zhong*, Let It Catch:
A Short-Branched Protein for Efficiently Capturing Polysulfides in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 10 (2020), 1903642
5. X. Fu and W.H. Zhong*, Biomaterials for High-Energy Lithium-Based Batteries: Strategies, Challenges and Perspectives, Advanced Energy Materials, 9 (2019), 1901774
6. C. Ding†, X. Fu†, H. Li, J. Yang, J. Lan, Y. Yun, W.H. Zhong* and X. P. Yang, An Ultra-Robust
Composite Gel Electrolyte Stabilizing Ion Deposition for Long-Life Lithium Metal Batteries,
Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (2019),1904547
7. X. Fu, Y. Wang*, X. Fan, L. Scudiero and W.H. Zhong*, Core-shell Hybrid Nanowires with Protein Enabling Fast Ion-Conduction for High-Performance Composite Polymer Electrolytes, Small, 14 (2018), 1803564
8. X. Fu, Y. Wang*, L. Scudiero and W.H. Zhong*, A Polymeric Nanocompostie Coating as Ion Transport-Regulator for Trapping Polysulfides and Stabilizing Lithium Metal, Energy Storage
Materials, 15 (2018), 447-457
9. X. Fu, C. Li, Y. Wang, L. Scudiero and W.H. Zhong*, Self-Assembled Protein Nanofilter for Trapping Polysulfides and Promoting Li+-Transport in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9 (2018), 2450-2459. (Spotlight article)
10. X. Fu, J. Yead, Y. Wang, J. Liu* and W.H. Zhong*, Decoupled Ion Transport in a Protein-Based Solid Ion Conductor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7 (2016), 4304–4310. (Spotlight article)